_| \_ An addicting tune, worthy of a bounty hunter. This is sooo good!!
_| \_ An addicting tune, worthy of a bounty hunter. This is sooo good!!
Glad you like it !
Bro,,, this is the perfect Halloween experience. My ears are blessed! This is soo cool!!!
Thank you!! Congrats on winning the spooktacular. With every song you make I learn something new. I hope I see you participating again next year :)
11/10 would play this music when being chased ┏( ゜)ਊ゜)┛
Love the emoji guy lmao
Absolute Spooktacular Cinema! It's like watching an epic Halloween Saga. Good Job!~
Man, the cat be peeing D:
plot twist: i am le cat and i peed on le machine à laver
If I were a mouse, I demand that this be my bg music when sneaking for cheese.
my mouse army gains yet another soldier
bruh this is sooo good. chill but also groovy.
IDK why, but this makes me cry. This reminds me of early 2010 techno songs, plus the added emotional melody of the original tune. Good work!
Thanks! In fact, the 2010 techno songs were the direct inspiration :)
This goes hard AF for a Christmas song! I luv it!!!
Absolute banger of a very very very very early Christmas present. <3
I have no particular style or genre. Prepare to be surprised, for better or worse.
Age 22, Male
Certified Hobo
School of Musical Rejects
Middle Earth
Joined on 6/21/22